Saturday night, the boys (Baker, Haren, Casey, Tip, Ryan, Harves) converged on downtown Cincinnati to attend the Reds game with Mitch's dad Terry and his buddy Ron. We stopped in at Harves' and met Drew, then headed down to
Arnold's for a drink and a bite to eat. While the Reds were feeble in their attempts to beat the Rockies, we still had great seats (thanks again Terry) and great company! We capped the night off with a trip up to Mt. Adams for a few drinks then were quite entertained with our cab driver Doc. Doc gave us his CD (pictured last) which we had to wait to hear until this morning. With hits such as "Wobble Wobble" (East Coast, Rock & Roll, and Southern styles), "Why Do You Make Me Cheat on You" and "Give My Weave Back, Baby", you know it's good. I'll work on posting one of the songs so that you too can experience Burnin' Dr. Feelgood!