Monday, August 25, 2008

Week 33: Pineapple Express

We're into the 33rd week and have been informed that the lil' guy is about the weight of a hefty pineapple (about 4 lbs. and 17 inches long). Mom is still doing pretty well minus the sleepless nights.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Moo Cow ALERT!

Attention residents of Flemming, OH. Please be aware that there are 2 moo cows that have escaped from the Pottmeyer compound. While it doesn't appear as though the cows executed any type of "Shawshank Escape", they have proven quite wily in their recapture. We may have to call in Tommy Lee Jones soon to apprehend the evasive moo cows.

Welcome Mr. Brady Balint Rose!

On Friday, August 22 the Rose's welcomed their second child...a baby boy they named Brady. Brady weighed in at 6 lbs. 10 oz. and was 18 inches long. It looks like Miss Emma is taking to the new baby brother very long will it last? Congratulations Tip, Kelly & Emma!

Captain's Blog: My New Nickname: A.D.

A.D. stands for "All Day". All day is what happened on Saturday as Lacey and I had to attend the birthing class at St. Ann's. I will have to admit that I learned the following about myself:
1. Dad is ready to be a Dad, but not so ready for the hospital
2. Dad may need smelling salts and could faint during delivery
3. Dad was the least "manly" Dad in the class covering his eyes on multiple occasions
4. Mom was the hottest Mom in the class, most of the other women just didn't seem to care about themselves
5. This is all about Mom, so Dad will shut up for once in his life now
6. I have mucho respecto for what Mom has done thus far and what she will do upcoming

Ryan's Fantasy

Every year, our good friend Ryan Dobro hosts a fantasy football draft up in Stow, OH. This year was great and it's always an awesome way to get ready for the football season. We started with a golf scramble, which my team won...then spent about 4 or 5 hours engulfed in showing our NFL expertise. Thanks Dobro, it was great seeing everyone!

Friday with Friends

I'm a bit late on a lot of's been getting busy and the lil' guy isn't even here yet! Lacey and I were invited over to the Moss' where we enjoyed crab cakes, delectable salmon, peach cake (notice the consecration on that pie in the picture), some fine IPA from Goose Island. While all of that was FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC, it was nice to hang out with some fine company...Greg, K.C., Jamie, Barce and of course Braden Moss. Thanks again guys!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Shower Thanks - Times Two!!!

Okay, I'm about two weeks behind on this one, but my girlfriends Mackenzie, Emily and Liz threw me the coolest, most Martha Stewart baby shower and I just had to share... It was more like spending time with your best friends rather than a shower. We had appetizers and mimosas outside, then moved inside for gifts and games (choose the celebrity mommy/ baby combo ;-). Thank you ladies for the most wonderful weekend, and thank you for those that traveled from Cleveland and Cincy. It meant the world to me and baby C!

OU Girls... still lookin' good and don't forget Mr. Sam!

Outside lunch (myself, Mac, K.C. Katie and Tanja)

Are these not the three most beautiful pregnant women ever? From left (Kelly - 3rd trimester, Sarah - 1st trimester and Jessie - 2nd trimester).

How cute are these favors? Liz, baby C and I listen to the baby CD everyday!

Tea time - fancy, fancy!

Last but not least... you can't forget the cupcakes!!!

Shower Thanks!

This past Saturday, Ryan's family threw me the most wonderful shower at the Springfield Country club. We had a delicious lunch, mimosas (non-alcoholic for myself of course :-) and you can't forget the cake and gifts! Thank you Linda, Becky, Jennie and Wendi for throwing and for everyone that could come. I had a fantastic day!

Jennie (Ryan's sis), Becky (Ryan's mom, i.e. grandma) and myself.

Linda (Ryan's stepmother, also grandma) and her lovely girl friends! :-)

Riley (Ryan's niece) aka little miss photographer :-)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pupdate: Let's put our heads together

Come on dad, let's put our heads together and figure out how to get me a bone. I hid all mine, so you're gonna have to come through. COME ON MAN....THINK!

Congratulation Jessica & Eric!

Lacey and I definitely want to say congratulations to Eric & Jessica. Lacey was sad that she missed it! The wedding was great...the people, the place, the event...a LOT of fun! Jessica looked great and happy and Eric looked happy (sorry Eric, I'm not that comfortable). Here is a quick montage as well:

Here is the church and some of the people....

Miss Jessica Lewis!

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Rasmussen

At the reception, Robin and Erik! (different Eric)

Captain's Blog: Honky Tonk Friday

6 hours was all it took to hop from Columbus -> Cincinnati -> Louisville -> Elizabethtown -> Nashville for Jessie's wedding. The trip was easy and it is a place that I would like to go back to as there is lots to do. Music, Vanderbilt, Belmont, etc. Below is a quick recap of my Friday:

Driving into Nashville, roughly 9:00 a.m. Central time.

One of the nicer Marriotts that I have stayed in.

Football is OOOOOH so close! My view from floor nine into the Commodore's stadium.

Not pictured....hanging in a campus bar/restaurant, then hanging with some friends. Hello again to all...Mr. & Mrs. Lewis, Whitney & Brian, Amy & Tom, Robin & Erik, Pam, etc!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Captain's Blog: Off Again!

Heading down to Nashville for Jessica Lewis' wedding. More to come as this is my first time to Da Nash.

A Picture Says 2 Words

What a hussie.

Baby Cahill

We had dinner last week with 1/2 of the Miller's and the full Cahill Clan. I finally got to meet Makayla and she was a beautiful, healthy, and very happy baby. I especially like the way Mr. Cahill held little Mikayla (not pictured)!

Week 30: I know Kung Fu

Poor Lacey! The lil' guy has apparently learned Kung Fu while he is plugged in. On Monday, he was in full practice mode and Mom's belly looked like someone was using a jackhammer! The good's's well.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim. Swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim!

Swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim.