Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Captain's Blog: An Apology

Connor, if you are reading this...I have to say I'm sorry for being a crappy blogger! I haven't been able to post all week while you have been feeling under the weather, and work has been 'mucho loco'! For everyone else who tirelessly visits our site looking for an update...Connor is feeling much, much better. In fact, we took this little video to try and show just how much better 'the dude' is feeling.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Peanut Post: Feelin' Crappy

The past few days haven't been very much fun for me. Mom and Dad thought I might be teething because I looked like an old man without his dentures with what I was doing with my mouth and gums. But I kept feeling more and more grumpy...so we went back to the doctor and he thinks I might have some acid reflux.

Tonight I got my first bit of medicine for it and it seemed to do the trick. I was able to snuggle up with mom and be a little more peaceful on my trip to dreamland to visit ol' Rupert.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Captain's Blog: Spring Fever

This family needed to get out of the house! Luckily spring time is at hand and we were able to at least enjoy a night or two out and about. Connor really digs people watching, so it's good to keep him entertained.

Peanut Post Meets Pupdate

Don't mess with Bonnie & Clyde, they've become quite the gruesome twosome.

Recipe Worth Sharing: Tequila Shrimp

Our Friday night dinner was a new recipe that turned out better than I had hoped. Thought I would share with you:

Marinade: 1/3 cup tequila; 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil; 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice; 1 tablespoon minced garlic; 1 tablespoon minced jalapeno pepper, with seeds; 1 teaspoon ground coriander; 1/2 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper.

1) Whisk all together in a small bowl; 2) Put the shrimp in a large zip-lock heavy-duty plastic bag; 3) pour in the marinade and press the air out and seal bag turning the bag to distribute the marinade and refrigerate 30-45 minutes; 4) Remove shrimp from bag and discard marinade; Thread shrimp onto skewers; Grill over direct heat 2-4 minutes, until the shrimp are just opaque in the center and firm to touch, turning once halfway through grilling time.

Rice: 1 box brown rice; 1 can jalepeno petite diced tomatoes; 1 can green enchilada sauce.

1) Cook brown rice; 2) When finished, mix both cans with rice and stir.

Corn Bread: Make your favorite.

Beer: As with anything, I love me some hops. For this meal with it's smokey, peppery taste, I really like the coarse hops that come in the Great Lakes Burning River, poured into a nice frosty glass.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Captain's Blog: Trying Another Garden

Well, after multiple failed attempts at creating a garden, I have identified the issues the way I should have: by realizing it can't be me and must be the location. :-) So I built a new garden closer to the house and twice the size of the last one. I tilled, I raked, I hauled, I built...and finally, I showed the goods to the dude...he certainly seemed IM-pressed.

Mommy's Memos Part Deux: Mac's 30th B-Day!

Happy birthday Mac! After Em's shower, we went and had a delicious steak dinner at Mitchel's Steak House in downtown C-Bus! It was delicious and great to hang out with all the girls again. Check out the wonderful dessert that was shared by all!

Mommy's Memos: Em's Shower

On Saturday, I hosted a baby shower for my friend Emily who is due in May. We had a lot of fun and I wanted to say thanks to everyone that helped pull it off. We had stromboli, some fancy drinks, and a cake made by our nephew Jack who is 14 years old!

Monday, March 9, 2009


Reading books with the Mom and Dad before bedtime...and of course playing with my feets!

Leavin' Time

We're all pretty tired and are going to nap out on the ride home. Thanks for having us Grandma and Grandpa!


We headed down to Marietta to pick up about an 1/8 of a cow. The weather was very nice and we got to do some work and hang out with Grandpa and Grandma Pottmeyer. It was a good break from the humdrum of the city. We went to church and stopped by Great Grandpa and Grandma and hung out for awhile with Laureen and her kids too.

More Lacey Lunchtime Madness!

What's in the bag? Well you never know until you get in there Senorita!

Peanut Post: My First Walk Outside

Check me out! While I've yet to figure out how to get my own legs to walk me around, I was able to trick mom into using hers to do it for me! Sucka!

Pupdate: Sun Bathin'

It's been a long time since we got to pass out on the porch. Some of us are a little less lady like than others! Hope spring comes soon!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Peanut Post: Meet My Bartender

This is my good friend 'Elephant Bartender'. It's a long story, but basically my favorite place to be is on my changing table. I met 'Bartender' there, as he's always tended bar while I hang out in my space. Now, I get him to take time off to be with me when I play around the house as well.

Peanut Post: Highchar!

Look who's got da big boy power! That's right, high chair business....eat your hearts out!

Pupdate: Still Love Our Dad!

Cuddling and snoozing is exactly what we needed. Little Connor gets a lot of attention and sometimes we just get pushed aside. Dad is always nice enough to take a few minutes to give us some love.

Peanut Post: Ear Infections and Hangin with Dad

I had either my second ear infection, or just a continuation of the first one. Either way, it's not fun because it hurts my beauty sleep. Dad is pretty funny and it was a fun time wearing my baseball uniform and just hanging out.