Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Perhaps this will look a bit different in a few years, but what a beatiful backdrop to an early spring day. Behind is the new pond that was built. Next step for that pond is to add some fishy's to start growing!

Monday, May 14, 2012


Connor got to hang out with his cousins Mac and Avery and uncles Alex and Derrick in West Virginia on a Friday night...however that was NOT the highlight of the night...the fact that we were at the friggin Monster Truck Show was...this show got miles...Connor is still talking about it!

Peanut Post: Birthday with Papa Joe!

Papa Joe and Lucille visited and brought the peanut a nice birthday cake from none other than Schuler's. We weren't quite sure, but turns out...Finn thought it was pretty darn good...and so did Mattie! 

Captain's Blog: Dad Gets a Christmas Toy!

For Christmas, Dad got himself a 1981 Yamaha XS650 SH. It wasn't running, but he set out on a week's effort to get her going and lo and had some life left in it! This has taken Dad to a whole new level of cool in Connor's eyes! 

Captain's Blog: Winter Fun

Connor is now a big pro at this, while Finn is experiencing the joy of sledding for the first time. Things went very well...the boy's favorite was riding down the hill with Mya in their lap.