Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Apple Picking!

The family took a bit of an adventure to get some all natural fruits and veggie's at Lynd's Farm (thanks Haren's!). It was a bit of a ride, but everyone got to go.

Hold tight girls...I'll get you some yummy apples!

We're going to pick what? FOOD!?!?!?! AWESOME!

Off to the races.

Let's find a good area.

Found some!

Put em in the sack.

I'm ready!

FINALLY! Numnumnumnum....

The boys....

Little taste test....

Gotta wash the produce.

Time to peel the yummies.

Bean Bytes: I Can Stand....And I LOVE IT!

I wonder what's in THIS box?


Peanut Post: Did You Know I Can Rid a Bike?!?

Well...I can ride it...I can not DRIVE it! Come on people!!!!




Then...We're OFF!

Captain's Blog: Fall Church Festival

The Lauchard family attended the annual St. Brendan Festival at our local church and a good time was had by all. Dad got robbed by the 100 bb, shoot out the red star game....GRRRR. The weather was wonderful, the food was bad, the beer was cold.
Connor riding his rides:

Connor riding more rides:

Connor riding MORE rides:

What's Finnegan up to? Um of course....eating:

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

St. Brendan's Festival

Happy to be out of the house...the heat subsided and the night was great!

Vroom, Vroom!

If I could...just...reach...this....gas pedal!

Bean Bytes: Mr. Meat to You!

Meatball! This kid REALLY likes to swing. It's a lot more relaxing that wondering which high point of the playground equipment his brother is going to fall from. :-)


I've debated whether to update the blog with this, but it's Connor at his best. Before tube surgery my oldest son was given some happy juice by the doctors so that he wouldn't be scared when he went in for his procedure. This ensued: