Friday, October 29, 2010


Welcome to a historic moment in Lauchard Chronicles Posting! This marks not only Connor's first real Halloween, but also the 500th posting on our blog! Rest assured that there will be more, and 501 will be an update on Miss Lacey and the future member of our family. Please post comments on this entry to help us celebrate this milestone!

For now, let's get into the spooky goodness that was Halloween 2010....

Halloween is most known for monsters...and this year is no different. Man, isn't that a scary little monster?!?

The witching hour has changed a little bit, but once 6:00 rolled around, things started to get pretty exciting! Princesses, Minnie Mouse and a Fireman showed up!

OK, enough with the nice stuff! Let's get our walk on and start loading up on some Halloween Candy!

After about an hour of walking, it was back to Boo Central for a little real food, fire and some 'Mummy and Dead' time!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Peanut Post: Weekend Fun

What a weekend...first off, I got trapped in an ice cream cone...dangit...

After my dairy-ng escape, I jumped on the local zoo train...

I checked in on my elee-fants...

Said 'hey moose' and 'what's up ducks'...

Happy weekend indeed!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Peanut Post: My First Date

I went down to my nice neighbor's who were nice enough to watch me while Mom went to the doctor...or so they thought. Secretly, I had planned my first date with Cassandra! We laughed, we played...we had nuggets! I'm smitten...played it cool though, left her with a high five and a bye-bye!

Captain's Blog: Halloween Fun!

Tuesday was the annual Lauchard pumpkin carving night. We try to Halloween it up every year and this year was no different...other than getting Connor more involved. Connor still doesn't like the icky pumpkin guts, but he sure liked the Halloween Scooby Doo about the mythical Chupacabra!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pigeon Roost Farm: By Referral

A few of our friends suggested Pigeon Roost Farms in Hebron Ohio. Since I picked the family up in Zanesville on Sunday, we decided to at least stop and get a pumpkin or two.

Dad and Connor ran around while Mom played photo journalist.

Captain's Blog: (almost) Final Showing

After a week of bachelor-hood, I was able to get many a projects off my list! The new staircase got all primed, the dogs got brushed (big accomplishment for pig-pen...a.k.a. Mattie), the lawn got mowed, salsa was made, baby's room was painted, Connor's big boy room as completed, basement windows were put in, kitchen floor was scrubbed, and finally...minus the windows, molding, and staining the barn doors...the dining room and entry way were finished. Here are the pictures of the new floor...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Captain's Blog: All in a Day's Work

Jumped into my day job about 8:30 this moring, wrapped up around 5:30 and flew into destruction mode! I'm eagerly awaiting Mom and Connor's arrival back home but it's time to dig in and get the projects wrapped up before bebe-dos gets here! Entryway completion is under way...all quit!




Happy Birthday Alex...and Connor

We celebrated Alex's 25th birthday...and Alex was nice enough to let Connor have 2 candles in his cake. Happy Birthday Alex!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Peanut Post: The Light Sweeper (caution: Star Wars Post)!

Working for the Rebel Alliance turned out to be the wrong decision. Too many goody two shoes were around trying to show me how to sweep up dirt and I made the decision...DARK SIDE RULES...FEAR ME AND MY LIGHT SWEEPER!