Hello loyal readers of the Lauchard Chronicles. Clearly, I owe an apology for not updating this space with all of the latest fun and events that we have encountered. As you know from reading in the past, these are not always fun and games (see stolen car post for instance). Well, this post is not a fun one and quite frankly a bit scary still to actually write out what occurred.
(before the event)

For those that don't know, last Saturday started perfectly with great weather, a run, some yard work and project completion, but quickly turned for the worse. While hanging outside with friends and kids, I managed to slip on a toy and land on the back/top of my head. This resulted in unconsciousness, an ambulance and a police car (Connor was happy about the ambulance at least) all being called, but leaving with no incidents. However over the next 20 minutes, I started seeing things in my eyes that left me quite worried, so we went to the ER. Things snowballed from there. I was tagged as a 'yellow' patient (careful watch) and immediately given a CAT scan. Upon completion of the scan, I was told that I had a fractured skull and a hematoma that could require brain surgery to relieve the pressure. I was also told that I was in the hospital until at least Tuesday.
(this is the fracture on the back right of my skull)

(the white portion is the blood from the hematoma)

What a shock to us that it was this bad! Hearing multiple doctors saying things like brain surgery, coma, Natasha Richardson, etc. makes you realize how lucky you are, but also scares you into knowing how close you were to very serious injury.
So, Connor went to stay with his grandparents and my wife showed me what kind of mother she became...a mean, forceful tyrant that makes me actually listen to her! Lacey was great and really helped me through this. It's hard having to rely on someone else so much when it goes against your general nature, but Lacey made it easy. I thank God that she was able to come stay with me at the hospital for all that time, because man...was it BORING!

As the week progressed, I received so many well wishes, prayers, cards, calls, visits,etc. Thank you all so much for caring about me and my family. Day by day, my injuries didn't change and the outlook became much, much better. I left on Tuesday and while I have around 6 weeks to fully heal, I feel so much better now that I am home. Thanks again everyone for your help and well wishes!