Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Trolley Time

Peanut Post

THIS is how you mow...now, I want to see this patch of grass trimmed down when I come back from the monkey bars...hop to it doll.

Connor's Big Buffet

After promising the waiter that we couldn't possible eat a buffet breakfast costing $20...especially not Connor...Lacey and I had a cofee and 1 bowl of oatmeal...Connor had (deep breath): 4 pieces of sausage, 5 slices of peaches, 4 slices of strawberries, 1/2 of a pancake, apple juice, milk and a couple of bites of hash browns.

After I took a shower, I came out to find Connor laying back catching some Sponge Bob Squarepants. He then looked at me, lifted his shirt and patted his full belly in triumph. Nice work boy

Peanut Post: Taming Public Transportation

1st :: show 'em who's boss, either with your outfit, or your dirty looks and bad attitude

2nd :: walk down the transportation, don't wait for it to stop

3rd :: once you are on...raise hell!

Lacey and Connor's Golden Day

Lacey rented a car and they headed across the Golden Gate Bridge for some fun. While Dad was at work and didn't get all the juicy details, it did seem like Connor had an awesome day and Lacey did really well driving in the big city.

More San Francisco...Paiella!

While in San Francisco, we made a stop at the Thirsty Bear for some empanadas and paiella. The empanadas were only so-so, but the paiella quickly made up for it! I can still taste it...mmm!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

How Connor Rolls...er Swims

Mommy and I spent a lot of time in the hotel pool...I needed a little play time to warm me up, and then BOOM! into the pool.

Peanut Post: My Lost Twin

Me thinks he looks like me! Just kidding...this was only one of the thousand of fish I saw at the Aquarium at the Bay. Very cool, thanks Mom!

Landed! Connor Lauchard in San Fran!

Here I am at the hotel lobby and also on the 5th floor outdoor cafeteria of Dad's office building. The Gap is a cool place and had great chocolate milk! Also...mom and dad said they like the views...whatever old people!

Peanut Post: Denver Airport Fun

After my first flight to Denver, I watched the baggage cars drive by. One of the drivers waived to me and it was SO cooool!

Dad and I also took about a thousand trips on the magic walkway. I mastered it from the beginning. Bye bye Denver...San Francisco, here I come!