Starting at a young age, Connor knows the value of staying fit. He has implemented his own system on passing the time at daycare until we pick him up, and bulking up for some wresting with dad.
Connor came home from school with a warning from his teachers. They are worried that he is getting involved with the wrong crowd and that he may be a bad incfluence on the other kids! I said, "Come on ladies, that's just how the kids dress these days!" Looks like a belt might be in order!
Had to move about 13 moo-cows over to Jack's point on Sunday morning. They were pretty cooperative in getting in the trailer and one was falling all over himself to get out. Lacey is very helpful during the whole process as you can see.
Now it's time to get down! We hung out with a lot of the family and friends at the reception. Again, unfortunately we had to leave early because Connor was drinking too much, then started trying to pull people's eyes out...kid can't handle his booze!
Lacey's cousin got married over the weekend and it was a very nice ceremony and reception. We didn't get to stay long, but we had fun getting ready and at the church.
Completely unsure what to think of the two penguins and the snowman, Connor kept his distance. When they started singing, swaying, and shaking their tails he decided enough was enough...the result? see picture below.
Not our little Connor! Well, all right...perhaps he gets just a little perturbed over things sometimes. Mr. Connor had just woken up and was letting us know in no uncertain terms that he had eenough of his crib.
For all of our loyal blog followers, I know I haven't posted much lately. However, I have some lovely updates planned for this evening, so there should be a bunch of new content for perusing tomorrow!
It has been quite a busy past week for the Lauchard's. After realizing upon our return to our house that we just needed more space, the unthinkable happened: Lacey and I found a house that we both liked. It took about 3 days for us to go into contract which led to a weekend of work on our house to get it ready to list today.
We are very excited, although I find myself feeling a bit overwhelmed at starting over on the home improvement projects. It will be worth it though for Connor to have a little room to grow and play without the dangers of our current not-so-baby-friendly confines. Here are some pictures of our new home, only outside...the inside shots will come some time in the future!
Lots of action was occurring on kickball Saturday. There were games, there was food, there was playing with cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents! We started at GMA and GPA Pottmeyer's, then went over to Dave's house and ended up over at the river lots for some more games and visiting. It was a great time and so nice to see everyone.
I shouldn't take full credit for all of this because 'tech-nically' Ken helped me out a little bit. However, with a hat like this...who else could have created all this goodness.
One of Connor's favorite toys down at Mimi & Papa's house is this little stand and play. He jams out on the piano part of it and thinks he is quite special.