Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dinner at the Lauchard's

Saturday was a good day! Connor was feeling better and starting to play with his kitchen set that Grandpa & Grandma Pottmeyer gave to him for Christmas. While he's not making good food yet, noise is the new found love of his life.

Jason and Joanna came over that night for some grubbin and a few drinks. It's always nice to be able to enjoy a fine spring day with the dude and end it with some adult conversation.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mr. Connor Goes to Surgery

We went to the ear, nose and throat doctor last week and he confirmed that Mr. Connor needed to get some tubes in his ears. We explained what was going on to the little guy and he clearly was not happy:

So today, we packed up the dude's stuff and loaded him into the mobile command station:

After arriving at the Ohio Surgery Center, they showed Connor to his room where he had his own bed waiting for him...or cage...either one:

Connor then got cozy in his own little hospital gown, and went off to surgery:

About 20 minutes later, the dude was up, the tubes were in and he was thirsty, not happy and wondering what the heck that was on his forehead (thermometer):

Then a nap in Dad's arms and all is right in offense Mom:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


While I would like to make this post funny, I'm having a tough time finding the right tone. This blog is really meant for 2 reasons...keep people up to date on the goings on of our family due to busy schedules and different area codes and let Connor know what was happening while he was growing up. For that reason, I'm including this piece of bad news as it is an event...a crappy, crappy event.

My truck was stolen from my driveway on April 20th. It was a good truck and had a few good things in it. I miss my truck. If you see a gold Toyota 4-Runner while you are out and about, take a look at the license plate. If it is CLK-4910, call the police and help bring 'Baxter' home (the truck).

Monday, April 20, 2009

Connor's First Swing

For those that don't know, Mr. Connor had a meeting with the ear, nose and throat doctors. They found fluid in both ears and infections in his ears, adenoids and throat. I felt pretty bad for the little feller, so I put up a swing in the tree and introduced the little man to his own little trapeze act. It only looks a bit unsturdy... :-)

Pupdate: Relaxin...

"Um...I'm not sure that this bed is big enough for the both of move Mattie!" said the oversize sewer rat.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mmmmmmm Bananas!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Peanut Post: God Mother Easter Basket

Thanks so much for my Easter basket surprise! I really liked all the toys and they helped keep me sane on my ride home! The ears were a little much though Mom.

Bunny Hoppin - 5K Race Morning

Race morning....Ryan lost....nothing more to say.

Easter Weekend Kids Fun

We took a nice weekend to do some fence building for the cows and some general relaxation. It was nice to see Connor playing with his cousins and really enjoying himself after yet ANOTHER ear infection.

Peanut Post: Cousin Mackenzie

I was playing with Mackenzie for awhile on Easter. She was really good at sharing and she is VERY funny too! Thanks for letting me use some of your toys Mac!

Peanut Post: Getting Ready for Summer

This is one of my new swimmin' hats! I got a couple of them so that I don't get too much sun this summer in the pool. I'm going to try and be swimming like Michael Phelps by October. It's ambitious, but if you don't have goals, you'll never reach them.

Pupdate: Big Country!

I got myself in a little bit of a mess down at the compound. It was a pretty nice weekend with lots of running, swimming and getting chased around by dogs the size of mice. These burrs are my version of a doggie-tattoo.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hey, Hey, Hey, It's Opening Day!

Mr. Harves was nice enough to secure us a couple of tickets to the Reds opening day ball game. While it was cold and a bit of a nasty day, it was a lot of fun! It was nice to hang with the Harves family and I extend another thanks to them for their hospitality. (Leave a comment if you can figure out who the 2nd to last picture is of!)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Captain's Blog: My Crops are Strong!

Don't worry, we'll feed you all if you are hungry...there's plenty!

Captain's Blog: Springtime again...

Work is always involved with Springtime, but in the end, it's worth it. Preparing for a few months of warmth makes it so.

Peanut Post: I Just Flew In...

And boy are my arms tired!

Connor and his friend Brady

The Rose's...some of them


The multi-mom and Brady & Kelly

Mom and Binky

Oh yeah....Connor was there too.

Balloons here....get your Ballooooooons here

Balloon vendors ruin almost every party. This one wasn't so bad. He did turn one of the balloons into a dog (he tried to pass it off as a round, fat Pomeranian dog).

The CCC - Connor's Command Central

This is where it all takes place. I personally realize that the t.v. is not the best place to park your kid. Unfortunately from the time his eyes would focus, he was locked a tractor beam. Anyway, Connor likes to hang out there and keep tabs on the whole room. He likes to 'make sure everything is kosher'.